!!! Domain names are currently manually approved and usually setup within 12 hours. !!!
All domain names are manually approved to prevent abuse. Because we use our information in place of your own, we will refuse to process any order that is blatantly going to be used for phishing (Ex: secure-chasebankco.tld) or blatantly illegal activities (Ex: BuyCocaineOnline.tld) If you're unsure, please contact us first.
We offer private domain name registration that allows you to pay for domain names with popular cryptocurrencies (BitCoin, Monero, Litecoin, etc) as well as traditional payment methods.
The way our private domain name registration works is that we use our information in place of your own. This means that every new domain name registered through IncogNET has the following information submitted as part of the registration process:
First Name: | Incog |
Last Name: | Name |
Company Name: | IncogNET LLC |
Email Address: | domains@incognet.io |
Address 1: | 30 N Gould Street |
Address 2: | STE 4000 |
City: | Sheridan |
State/Region: | WY |
Postcode: | 82801 |
Country: | USA |
Phone Number: |
+1-307-201-2591 |
Unless you initiate or request a transfer of the domain name from your account with us and to another registrar, this information can not be changed and it will be behind a WhoIS Guard where available for additional domain privacy where able. This allows you to register a domain name with no verifiable personally identifiable information as we use our own information in place of yours. You control where the domain name points to, by updating the nameservers to the DNS provider of your choice or by utilizing our free DNS hosting service via IncogDNS that is included with every domain purchase.