Billing / Customer Portal Outage 09-24-2021

  • Friday, 24th September, 2021
  • 21:03pm

Our billing / support / customer portal ( was unavailable on Friday, September 24th for some time. We are awaiting an update from our service provider where we keep our portal hosted as we host it outside of our own network. The prolonged downtime was a result of the server being rebooted.

Because we protect our website and billing portal with full disk encryption, the server could not complete it's boot up cycle until the one person within our organization was made available to enter it. This is a security measure in place that prevents data from being accessed without an encryption key.

We apologize for the inconvenience for anyone who may have attempted to open a ticket, place an order, pay an invoice or otherwise use the features and tools offered to them under the customer portal.


Update: It appears that a power strip failure for the rack that houses the node with our portal on it failed. This caused downtime which triggered the reboot. Was a short event prolonged by our delay of entering our encryption passphrase to complete the boot cycle and unlock our storage. We are formulating a plan to minimize the possibility of this occurring again or greatly reducing our response time if it does occur again.

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